WROF unveils winning design from “New Year, New Logo” contest

May 31, 2019 by Marcy Heim | No Comments

MADISON, Wisconsin [May 31, 2019] – The Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation, Inc. (WROF) is proud to announce the winner of their “New Year, New Look” logo design contest: Adam Alan Nelson. The UW-Milwaukee student will receive a $500 scholarship for his winning design.

“Adam’s design really resonated with the WROF Board of Directors,” says Sara Schoenborn, Marketing Committee Chair. “He was able to capture the mission and vision of our organization and portray them in a new way. We are excited to utilize his creation as we continue our efforts to aid rural Wisconsin.”

“I’m grateful to have my design selected as the new brand for the Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation,” says Nelson. “I coupled a vintage design in honor of their long-standing history with the modern look they were looking for as they continue to impact generations of rural Wisconsin students.”

WROF would like to thank all of the students who supplied over 30 entries to the contest and the many supporters who voted online to narrow down the top three for consideration.

For more information about WROF, visit www.wrof.org

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